Written by Viktoriia Sivriuk, HR at Idealogic
Every entrepreneur strives for success. But what are the factors that make companies notable? Is it an innovative business idea, driven workers, or talented management? Actually, all of them. Another essential yet usually overlooked component of a successful company is efficient staff motivation. Why is it so important? There are several significant reasons. Among others, staff motivation:
● increases team performance;
● encourages each employee’s personal development;
● incentivizes workers to achieve results within the given timeframe;
● maintains a permanent staff;
● allows management to meet the company’s goals.
However, since people are very different, motivating employees is not an easy thing to do. Workers have their own points of view, preferences, and backgrounds, and all that influences their behavior in the work environment. Thus, for a director, there is no single approach to all the employees. A plethora of various books, articles, and speeches have been written on the topic, and they all come down to the following message: “The individuality of every team member should be taken into account.”
Thus, when aiming to motivate staff, the first thing a manager or director should do is get to know what makes each member of the team interested in the work process. Discover his or her preferences and provide him with the work he likes. Another essential step is finding out what makes one indifferent and ineffectual, and then decrease or eliminate the factors as much as possible.
When each worker’s peculiarities have been considered, a manager can get down directly to the staff motivation. Important note: managers should keep in mind that motivation always requires personal touch — otherwise, it just won’t work. Moreover, staff motivation requires special skills such as the ability to listen, undertake a dialogue, settle complex disputes, and analyze the current situation in the workplace.
Staff Motivation Components
Staff motivation should always be tailor-made for each individual company, but it usually includes some or all of the following components:
1. Encouragement of friendly competition among workers. It’s not a secret that a competitive environment equals a productive environment. A little competition among the workers never killed nobody. 😉 Quite the contrary, friendly contests stimulate employees to do their best in order to achieve the intended objectives.
2. Recognition of individual contributions. Probably the most pleasant and meaningful recognition for employees is when it comes from supervisors or upper management. Thus, although it doesn’t seem like a very productive task at first glance, managers should devote some time to the appreciation of their workers’ achievements. The more you reasonably praise your subordinates, the better results they tend to show.
3. Enhancement of team spirit. When team spirit is high, the team members work more passionately and with more dedication. A solid team achieves unattainable goals, and all the employees feel that each of them is a part of something bigger than just a staff. Thus, boosting team spirit directly contributes to the success of the company.
4. Creation of the awe-inspiring work environment. If a director wants to motivate the subordinates, the investments into the improvement of the workplace are inevitable. According to a 2011 study from Ohio State University and the National Institute of Mental Health, the work environment significantly impacts the worker’s mood. And the mood, in turn, has a great impact on the level of employee performance.
5. Remuneration. A comfortable and friendly work environment is indeed important, but managers should not forget that reasonable remuneration is essential for every employee. Financial stability and welfare make workers grateful to a director, which translates into the enhanced work process.
6. Friendly relations among colleagues. Healthy workplace relations motivate employees to give their best and work harder. It’s easier for staff to work in the amiable atmosphere, where one can always count on the help of a friend-colleague in difficult circumstances.
7. Strong communication between a director and employees. For employees, it is crucial to understand that their chief is interested in what they do and may listen to each subordinate if there is a need. Establishing open and effective communication between a director and employees empowers all the members of the team, gives them a sense of confidence, and improves overall productivity.
Summing up, staff motivation is a powerful tool for increasing employees’ satisfaction and productivity. Since there is no single approach to the issue of how to motivate workers, each company has to determine the process individually.
At Idealogic, we are certain that staff motivation is an essential part of a productive and pleasant work process. Thus, we are constantly working on the enhancement of the work environment, provide for comfortable and flexible work conditions, and boost team spirit. We believe that when there is a need, the upper management may be involved in the everyday activity of the subordinates. Such an approach reduces unnecessary bureaucracy and hierarchy thus ensuring smooth communication and friendly relations. We also take great pride in our employees and praise them for their achievements. Recognition matters!
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